Wiskundig Studiegenootschap
W.S.G. Abacus
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› College year '17–'18
July 2018
Study Trip
Amerika ist wunderbar!
Studytrip smile and wave drink
Let's make America great again!
June 2018
End-of-period Drink
Free beer!
Think outside the box!
We got to great heights!
End-of-the-Year activity
Another great year passed
Mini-Almanac ceremony
Read about your favourite freshmen!
Mathematical Lounge
How to optimise the Pixcie
Barbecue, barbecueme, barbecueverybody
YER sports day
Warming up?! It's 31 degrees!
Sport BBQ
CB at work
It was a colourful battlefield!
Active members weekend
Who is Simon?
May 2018
Ladies StAf-tournament FINAL
Losing the finals is still 2nd place
Alumnus Lecture Tim van de Kamp
Luckily the lunch wasn't cryptofied
Who is the Mole?
Vis consili expers mole ruit sua.
MolTalk Drink
Waiting on the lizard army...
Ladies StAf tournament
Ho Ho Ho, we've got Bo
Symposium 2018
There's no need to panic anymore
Symposium drink
Another way to deal with panic
Researcher researched Yael Veenstra Konzizky
Yael from Israel
Hitch-Hiking Competition
Thumbs up!
LIMO 2018
Perfectly in the middle
Summer in yo'face drink
Holy guacamole
Poker Tournament
It's my turn to barrel the turn
Lunch Lecture Sioux-LIME
Sioux Later In My Elevator
Eurovision Drink
Each year in the Abscint
Table Evening
We brought the table to the table
EEMCS trip
So many Wiener schnitzels!
StAf match: Abacus vs Stress 3
'The team was the best player on the pitch', Result: 5-5
Bolletje prof
Поздравляю Nelly Litvak!
StAf match against Inter-Actief
6-2 for Abacus!
Dishwasher welcome drink
Damn dirty mugs
April 2018
Candidate Board Announcement drink
Hugo, Wout, Cas, Justus, Fleur and Pranab are CB
StAf match: Abacus vs Scintilla
4-4 victory!
166,6km per 14:38:39h
Once upon a drink
Carnaval Festival
Who was which werewolf
Parents Day
Proud parents everywhere!
Cocktail Night
ORTEC drink lecture
Shortest path algorithms
March 2018
Smurf drink
How many smurfs smurfs a smurf smurf?
Movie night
How to train your phoenix?
Lunch lecture Rabobank
Rabo couch
Symposium theme announcement lunch
Don't panic!!
√-1 8 ∑ π and it was delicious!
Thanks for all committees!
Muscle ache
Pyjama party drink
EEMCS carnaval drink
Alaaf Alaaf Alaaf
February 2018
Après ski drink
When life gives you Flügel...
Find the nearest Mac
Lunch lecture Rijkswaterstaat
Learning about deep learning
Prom: Galaland
'City of stars'
Uetz has won, Marc my words
Researcher Researched
Who didn't have lectures from Judith Timmer?
Crash Course Mental Arithmatic
Solving sums is what we do
Education Activity
Solve the minionpuzzle!
Prom Danceworkshop
Rockstep triplestep triplestep
January 2018
Beatrix Drink
Happy Beaday to you
Mario Kart tournament
It's-a me, Mario!
Is the set 'beer in a glass' open or closed?
Hearts Tournament with Astatine
Sander conquered all our hearts
Prom Theme Announcement Drink
Theme anouncement almanac 2017-2019
Abacus goes global
New year's resolutions #fitgirl drink
#no #more #hashtags
New year's dive
A fresh start!
EEMCS New year's drink
No oil spheres?
December 2017
Taipan Tournament
You teach me and I tichu
Christmas dinner
The Story of the Tinder match girl
Mathematical Lounge
The biologists trust the mathematicians
Fort Boyard
Cas gave a party with bodyguard Douwe
Sinterklaas drink
Hear, who's knocking there children?
Where did the chocolate go?
November 2017
Lunch lecture Procam
I am a Procam pro
Mathematical Lounge Old School
Compass rules
Welcome to the 2nd year
They grow up so fast!
48th Dies of W.S.G. Abacus
I couldn't C.S.I. had my eyes closed.
The first W.S.G. Abacus spelling test
If only there was a spell to spell correctly
Lunch lecture Optiver
Can you handle the trade market?
Dogroup reunion drink
Amai, amazing, akuna, amigos
Release almanac
From Abacus to Zilverling
Freshmen games night
Send shivers down your spine
Games night
Halli Galli, breaking hands since 1991
Disney drink
Where dreams come true
October 2017
Dies theme announcement
You get a fine, and you get a fine, everybody gets a fine!
Pubquiz with Proto
Did you know that Popty Ping is the sound of a microwave?
Autumn drink
When autumn leaves start to fall
Bartender course
We're going on a beer hunt, we're gonna catch a big one!
Carnival Drink
The wheel of golden fortune!
Bob Ross course
We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents
Researcher Researched
With the one and only: Matthias Schlottblom
Bachelor Graduation
Congratulations!!! :)
Alumnus Lecture
Go with the flow
Split happens
September 2017
Lunch Lecture Allseas
As we could allsea, we have been mugged.
House Style Drink
Don't sweat(er) it, just tie it
Karaoke Drink
And IIIIIIIIIIIII-iaaaaaiiiiiiiii will always love you-ooooouuuuu
What a party!
Prank at Inter-Actief
Reverse shop-lifting
Freshmen lunch
Pie as lunch?!
Prank board 49
Where the wild elephants are
Constitution drink
We almost lost Mariya!
Girls vs Boys
The girls were the best
August 2017
Kick-In day 9
Till the sun rises
Kick-In day 8
Getting loose with Ali B
Kick-In camp day 2
Keep calm and grill on
Kick-In camp day 1
Yeah, we're going to Ootmarsum
See you Sunday drink
We saw you sunday
Kick-In day 4
Dancing the salsa!
Kick-In day 3
Sporting mathematicians
Kick-In day 2
Speed up a bit!
Kick-In day 1
And so it begins...
Preparing for the storm