About David de Haan

*This piece was made possible thanks to Google translate*
Yes, there I am, writing a bit about myself behind my cool double-screened windows 10 and a paupergood internet connection. Inspiration is of course zero, as is often the case. Then just typing something is my tactic, something useful will come out of it, I hope.
Now you, the reader, must be wondering: "How do you ever get the idea of taking the place of both the Secretary and the officer External Affairs, behind those cool double-screen windows 10 with a paupergood internet connection? " Well, good question indeed. I think I have to go back to where it started, on November 20, 1996.
I was born in Emmeloord, after which I was immediately abducted to Rutten to spend the rest of my youthful years there. I also went to primary school in Rutten, but there is not so much to tell about it.
After having lived in a pink cloud during my first 12 years - I was an imaginative child - I really got to know how the hard world was structured when I went to high school. First 3 years in Lemmer, which I didn't like at all, and then going back to my birthplace, Emmeloord, to finish high school there. This also meant new teachers. My new math teacher was a legend. He not only taught me how mathematics worked, but he also made me very curious to discover more about it. I also loved computer science in high school: I was a lot behind my laptop, because I was fine with it.
When I had to choose a study I had, after some time of doubt, also opted for a computer science study in Utrecht. People who know me know that I always have doubts about everything, so this was no exception. However, I hoped to have made the right choice. However, on the last matching day, a month before the start of the study, I realized that I would not be happy with that study. So, 3 weeks before the end of the summer vacation, I made a giant switch: I decided, like a cousin of mine had chosen for a few years, to study mathematics in Enschede. A choice that I still haven't regretted to this day.
During the introductory week I got my eyes set in Enschede. I already felt completely at home among my fellow students. Certainly with the help of Nico (tnx man) I felt completely at ease. I made a lot of friends in my first year, half of which unfortunately failed, and managed to pass all the exams.
By being able to plan smarter, I discovered that I even had time over, and I was looking for places to fill in this time. Because I already felt comfortable with Abacus, I joined the almanac committee there. This was such a success that in my second year I added the Christmas dinner committee and the TWick-in.
But because I was getting everything out of my studies, I was worried that my student days would end too soon. For a year now, the idea went through my mind to take a place on the board of Abacus. After long doubting (again, I can't make good choices) I decided to take the chance and apply for a place on the board. With two fellow applicants it was obviously not a difficult job to cash in on a place, but with ten candidates it was of course also successful.
And now I am sitting here, behind my cool double-screened windows 10 with paupergood internet connection, sending emails day-in-day, making many chats and just having a great time. It's great that those life choices always turn out well. If you want to know more about me or if you think I wasn't extensive enough in the piece written above, talk to me in the Abacus room! I love to talk about myself.
On behalf of the Secretary and officer External Affairs of the 50th board of the W.S.G. Abacus,
David de Haan