Olf BroeninkMister Broenink helped with the automation of the membership records of W.S.G. Abacus. Moreover, he was part of the auditing committee for ten years. Furthermore, he became an honorary member by giving a lot of good advice. Mister Broenink has said goodbye to the university in 2003. |
Michel ten Bulte![]() Michel ten Bulte was not only a board member as a student for two years, but fourteen years later, he was a General Adjunct for two years. Besides smaller activism he was involved as an employee in TW for many years and he meant a lot for the students. Mister ten Bulte is still walking around in the Zilverling and is a welcome guest in many Abacus activities. For most board members, Michel ten Bulte is the first person to go to if you need something done in the Zilverling. |
Henk Cammaert![]() With four years of General Adjunct in the board of W.S.G. Abacus, mister Cammaert meant a lot to Abacus. He always had a good financial say in the matter at the department of mathematics, which had done good to many drinks and activities. He also maintained the contact between the students and the staff. Nowadays, mister Cammaert is retired but mathematics will always be in his blood. |
Jaap Doosje![]() During his student time in Enschede, mister Doosje was in the board for three years. To finance his studies, he was a swimming teacher. Now, he has swapped his job for his current job as a math teacher. After his board years, mister Doosje organized a trip abroad for Abacus. |
Piet le Grand![]() It is easy to support an association if it goes well, but it gets harder if things go wrong. When, right before a GMA, there was no financial year report, mister le Grand sacrificed himself as an auditing committee member to put this together. This process was repeated for a number of years. Also, Piet le Grand was a committee member of the Ideaal!-committee for over ten years. |
Trudie Hondelink![]() As an employee of the cafeteria, mrs. Hondelink provided the drinks, parents’ days, open days and symposia in the former TWRC-building (now the Cubicus). Often she was the stabilizing factor for the people who had little or no experience with organizing things. After she retired from the TWRC-building, she moved to the Spiegel. Nowadays, she is working at “Boerderij Bosch”. According to the other honorary members, Trudie was the ‘mother’ of TW. |
Erjen Lefeber![]() The continuation of a committee is easy because you have a lot of predecessors to fall back on. The establishment of a committee ‘from scratch’ is obviously a lot harder. Mister Lefeber encountered this when he started the CoCo in 1993. In addition to this, Erjen Lefeber has done numerous committees, including the symposium committee and he has been vice chairman of the board of 1993-1994. After graduating, he still remained involved in Abacus and has provided a lot of support behind the scenes. The last committee he has done was ‘Geras’, the lustrumcommittee in 1999. He now works as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Eindhoven. |
Frits van Beckum![]() Frits van Beckum has always been very involved in the contacts of AM with ITB (Institute Technology Bandung). He can be found regularly in Indonesia to maintain his contacts. He fully designed the Abacus logo himself and the hand in the logo is his own hand. In a similar way he also made the Ideaal! logo. Mister van Beckum was a popular man in TW and he always sang beautifully in his deep voice. Sometimes he sang in “barbersjopjes” if we had a music evening or party within AM (this was often with Stephan van Gils and Brigit Geveling and a fourth person – who changed quite often). |
Diana Dalenoord![]() Diana was a member of the editorial board of the faculty magazine the TW10 and later on the Ideaal!. She also was the bridge between Abacus and the employees of the department of Applied Mathematics. Through her it became possible to involve the employees in different activities. She was not only the bridge between students and employees, but also for the alumni. If there was need for a speaker for a symposium, Diana could always find someone. Diana has been very involved in the Twentse Wiskunde Estafette, an event that Abacus and the study AM still organise together. Diana has meant a lot in the organisation, they arranged a lot and took care of the contact with the schools. Finally, Diana always had a sympathetic ear for the students and you could discuss anything with her. Even now, Diana means a lot to Abacus. She regularly write pieces for the Ideaal! and she is still involved in Abacus activities such as the Sinterklaas activity, the introduction barbeque and activities such as a lunch lecture or Mathematical Café, where she also provides speakers. All in all, Diana is a very active member and is committed fully to Abacus and TW for over 25 years. |
Brigit Geveling![]() Mrs. Geveling has been active for Abacus for twenty-five years. She has been General Adjunct in three consecutive boards. Aside from organising various small-scaled activities, she also organised several activities during multiple lustra and she realised several well-received cultural evenings in collaboration with Abacus. |