W.S.G. Abacus

Abacus is the study association of Applied Mathematics in Twente. With 646 members it is the largest mathematical study association in the Netherlands. The name ‘Abacus’ comes from the Chinese abacus. Sometimes you find one in the Netherlands, mostly in eastern shops or restaurants. It is incredible to see how fast one can calculate with it, and the things that are possible to calculate. Even taking a square root of a number is possible with the Abacus!

Two goals underlie Abacus: first of all promoting mathematics and secondly improving contacts between mathematicians, for example students and lecturers, but also mathematicians from outside Twente.

To reach these goals, Abacus organises a lot of social activities. Examples of these are lectures, excursions, symposiums and study trips. These are the “serious” activities, usually organized for and by students, due to the single reason they share the same passion: mathematics. Next to serious activities, Abacus also organises a lot of activities that seem to have to do less with mathematics, like drinks, board game nights, a gala and parties. Still you are with mathematicians and this will show: for example the probability calculations during a poker night.

In collaboration with the course programme, yearly Abacus organises the introduction of Applied Mathematics (a three day camp), special drinks and first-year and bachelor graduation ceremonies. Every year there is also the parent day, organised by the freshmen committee. Parents of first-year students get a chance to meet Abacus, Applied Mathematics and the student life.

Because a relatively large portion of the members is employee, Abacus also tries to accommodate for these members. Activities like a ‘Mathematical Café’ and ‘Researcher Researched’ are interesting for both students and employees. This is a great way to meet a lecturer in an informal way. Four times a year, in collaboration with the course programme, Abacus creates a tabloid: the ‘Ideaal!’. In the Ideaal! all members are being kept up-to-date about things happening inside Abacus and the course programme.

Finally Abacus sells all kinds of things, of which books are the most important. Abacus does not have to make a profit so books can be sold cheaply. Usually your member fee (€8,50 per year) is a lot smaller than the discount you get by buying books once.

Are you interested? Would you like to know more? Come by in the abacusroom, there are enough members there to answer any questions you have. Of course you can also call or send an email. We hope to meet you soon as a student Applied Mathematics and Abacus member!

Picture abacusroom