CookCooC dinner: ...
Where: Educafé
Wednesday 26 March from 18:00 until 19:00
Enrol until: Tuesday 25 March, 13:00
Unenrol until: Tuesday 25 March, 13:00
Participants: 8/30
Costs: €5.00
Download iCal file
Organized by: CookCooC
Want to join the Puzzle Tour, and/or the nice themed drink afterwards, but don't know what to do with dinner yet? Then join the CookCooC with this perfect dinner! We will make [t.b.d.] for dinner.
You can enrol for joining dinner until Tuesday 25 March, 13:00h.
Costs will be at a maximum of 5 euros, but it will probably be way less.
If you have specific allergies, you can mail the committee ( and we will look into what is possible (we will not read comments).