Do-Group Parent Interest Lunch

Where: Abscint

Wednesday 5 March from 12:45 until 13:30

Enrolling closed

Participants: 15


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Do-Group Parent Interest Lunch Wednesday 5th of March 12:45 - 13:30 in Abscint.
Did you also like last years Kick-In, or did you miss it and would like to experience it yourself?
See if you would like to become a do-group parent during the Kick-In!
Make sure to come to the do-group parent interest lunch, on Wednesday the 5th of March in Abscint.


The kick-in will take place from the 19th of August till the 28th of August.

Make sure to enrol here for lunch! Let us know any dietary wishes in the comments. 

Hope to see you all there!

Do-Group Parent Interest Lunch