Hitch-hiking competition
Where: Hamburg or Luik
Friday 4 April from 09:00 until Sunday 6 April 17:00
Enrolling closed
Participants: 18/20
Costs: €50.00 - €100.00
Download iCal file
Organized by: HiHi 2025
After last year's success there will be another hitch-hiking competition. Make sure to bring a carton board and permanent marker! Costs include:
- a stay for one or two nights including breakfast
- a train ticket back to the nearest Dutch train station.
This nearest train station is not Enschede, so make sure to have transport back or hitchhike back! ;p
Enrol in duos and comment the name of your partner! Both people of the duo need to enrol.
Prices are a maximum price, we expect it to be slightly cheaper.