Big Activity Karting

Where: Zero55

Wednesday 3 July from 15:30 until 18:00

Enrol until: Monday 1 July, 12:45

Unenrol until: Monday 1 July, 12:45

Participants: 20/30

Costs: €6.50

Download iCal file

Organized by: Ab-Actie

Come to this year's big activity to join a day of karting at Zero55! Come to this year’s big activity to join a day of karting at Zero55! Only 30 people will be able to enroll, so make sure to enrol in time to not miss this amazing day of racing. We will gather at the O&O square at 15:30 to bike together to Zero55 which is located on Enschede Kennispark. You can also go directly to Zero55 at this is more convenient, but be sure to be there at 15:45. Hopefully we will you see you soon!