Scuba Diving with Mathletics

Where: Outside Pool UT

Tuesday 28 May 2024 from 18:00 until 20:00

Enrolling closed

Participants: 4/12

Costs: €15.00

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Organized by: Mathletics

Dive into adventure with Intro-Diving lesson from Piranha! We start the evening at 18:00 at the pool with some theory on how to dive safely. Then we suit up with a wetsuit, mask, bottle and other dive gear. In the pool, we do some skills and have fun underwater. Afterwards, we clean up and there is a free drink.


Every participant needs to register at our diving organisation SSI:  https://my.divessi.com/register. In the SSI account, under personal information -> Profile -> Documents, please fill in the medical questionnaire. if you are unsure how to answer any question, you can discuss it with an instructor at the pool. In most cases, you can still do the introdive.

Photo albums of this activity

Scuba Diving with Mathletics
Feeling like a penguin