NEEMCS-Trip 2024

Where: Ljubljana

Wednesday 8 May 2024 from 20:00 until Sunday 12 May 2024 23:59

Enrolling closed

Participants: 7/7

Costs: €130.25

Download iCal file

This magical city trip will be organised on the second week of quartile 4 (during Ascension weekend)!
Discover this city with your fellow students and the other associations on the Educafé balcony. Many cultural activities are organised for you such as visiting castles, museums and the central market of the capital city. 
You can even join a pub crawl and a winetasting during the evenings! 

All the activities are optional, meaning you can freely decide where to go. An information booklet will be provided including puzzles, a picture hunt, tips & tricks about public transport, (inexpensive) restaurants and nightlife. Enrollment for the activities can be done through a form, which will be provided once the activities are finalised.

The costs for transport and the hostel are €280 at maximum. For finalising participation, you have to sign a participation contract. This contract will be provided in the association room. Please ask the board for this contract.

If the maximum number of enrollments has been reached, you can send an email to intern@abacus.utwente.nl to join the waiting list.