Kick-In Camp Overnight Stay

Where: De Langenberg Rijssen

Tuesday 29 August 2023 from 23:00 until Wednesday 30 August 2023 07:00

Enrolling closed

Participants: 6/20

Costs: €12.50

Download iCal file

Organized by: Twick-In 2023

Come stay over for the night at the Kick-In camp!

Do you also want to BBQ? Then also enrol yourself on the other activity.


The camp takes place at De Langenberg:

De Langenberg
Enterveenweg 10
7461 PB Rijssen


During the camp you will need, besides your daily clothes and toiletries:

• A proper bike

• A dishcloth

• A pillowcase

• A sleeping bag + sheet (so you don’t need an air mattress or such!)

• Swimwear + towel

• Older clothes (with long sleeves and pipes

• Shoes that can get dirty

• Sportswear

• Flashlight

• Sunscreen

• A good mood!

See you then!