EEMCS Git Course

Where: Educafé

Tuesday 27 June 2023 from 17:30 until 21:30

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Together we can achieve a lot more! But working together can also introduce problems. Especially if files and multiple versions are involved. There is however a neat solution. Something used by over 90% of the entire IT industry in large and small projects alike; GIT.
In this course Johan Verzijden and Kasper Müller from E.T.S.V. Scintilla will teach you the basics of git to get you up and running in no time.
Oh and did I mention you will get a free meal of your choice  (Around €13) from Italiana Enschede?

We will start at around 17:30 in Educafé. The dinner should be ready at 17:45. After having a nice meal together we will go to the lecture room and start with the course. This course is an interactive lecture. By listening but mostly participating with the exercises on your laptop you will be able to learn this essential skill in a matter of hours. We expect the course to be up to around 21:30, but this depends a bit on how fast you are 😜

We hope to see you there!

Sign-up opens on Friday 16th of June at 12:00. You can sign-up through the Scintilla website (also if you are not a Scintilla member!): https://www.scintilla.utwente.nl/activities/show-activity/git-course