Lunch Lecture El Niño

Where: Ravelijn 3334

Tuesday 13 June 2023 from 12:45 until 13:30

Participants: 16


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Development case: Victron Energy online portal

During this lunch lecture the owner of El Niño will be explaining how they’ve developed the largest online portal so that their customers can monitor their electrical equipment manufactured and produced by Victron Energy (https://www.victronenergy.com/). Users can monitor the usage, consumption and yield of their devices from anywhere in the world using realtime communication solutions such as MQTT. Other large scale infrastructural concepts and solutions have been implemented to ensure the scalability and stability of the platform. Some technical in depth use cases will be explained during the lecture too. 

Photo albums of this activity

Lunch Lecture El Niño
Last lunchlecture of the academic year :(