Ranking the stars Abacus

Where: Abscint

Wednesday 20 April 2022 from 20:00 until 00:00

Enrolling closed

Participants: 15


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Organized by: Ab-Actie

Participate in the Abacus edition of ranking the stars! In this amazing event you can choose between two roles: watcher and VIP. For the role of a watcher, you have to fill in a survey and watch the spectacle. For the role of VIP, you also have to fill in the same survey, only with this role you are one of the answers. At the end we are going to declare a winner by looking at the answers of the VIP people and look which person have answers that corresponds the most to the answers of the watchers.

For context, the questions of the quiz are going to be like: who is always in for a beer? Which person will still be working on their bachelor in 5 years? etc.

Photo albums of this activity

Ranking the stars Abacus
Attention, attention, attention!