Lecture Klaas Landsma

Where: Agora (Vrijhof)

Tuesday 14 May 2019 from 19:30 until 21:00

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Highly UNlikely, what is coincidence?

Are you just about to call someone, is that someone calling you! Some people tend to believe this is because of some 'higher force'.  Where does this human nature to seek causes and connections for everything. Is an event without cause even possible? Science has been trying to exclude all coincidences. Evolutionbiology as well as kwantum mecanics are founded on (different) forms of coincidence. What does this mean, and how does this change our view on the world. 


Prof. dr. Klaas Landsman is professor Mathematical physica (Radboud University). In 2018 he wrote a popular scientific book on coincidence: Naar ale ONwaarschijnlijkheid, Toeval in de wetenschap en filosofie (To all UNlikelyness: Coincidence in science and phylosophy). He also published Recuiem to Newton (2005) before.