About Maaike van de Ven

On Tuesday, September 6th was the big day, after a summer of preparations I was charged in the forty-ninth board of W.S.G. Abacus. During the academic year 2016-2017, I have the honor and pleasure to fulfill the functions Secretary and officer External Affairs. Below I will tell you how I got here.
On 31 January 1996 I was born in Baexem. In this village in central Limburg I grew up on the farm of my parents and I lived there up to my study time. It is also the town where I went to primary school. I found this a nice school, but sometimes I was bored a bit. This was annoying for my mother, so she then made sure I got extra exercises. Of course for me mathematics was the most interesting and therefore this was the subject of the additional exercises.
In eighth grade I was allowed to choose a high school. The nearest school was in Horn. This meant every day nearly 15 km of cycling and I thought that was far enough. Thus, I stopped looking further and I started in Horn at the high school. This was again confirmed that the beta-subjects were better than the languages. Therefor I have chosen the profile N & T. I had, however, also decided to follow the drawing course. From 4th grade I started to orientate me what I wanted to study. I wanted to do a technical study to me was obvious, but I did not know what. Once I was at an open day of Mathematics I knew, that was what I wanted to do. But where? I nevertheless regret that I only had viewed the nearest option with the choice of my high school. So I decided to visit the open day in Enschede. I did not want to study here, but then afterwards I could get at least not regret that I had not been there. However, after the opening day, I began to doubt very much. The University of Twente. seemed like a really nice place to study, but it was a long travel to my parents. After a lot of doubt between Eindhoven and Twente I've finally made the choice for Twente. With this decision I am still very satisfied.
So it happened that I was looking for a room in Ensched, luckily I had found one in time and a few days before kick-in, I was living on the campus in Enschede. I really liked the introduction period. It was a busy period that gave a good start to live in a new city. The first Monday after introducing an activity was organized: ‘Ik hou van Abacus’. This activity was very enjoying and when I was told that I could organize such activities seemed to me this nice. So I chose to take place in the Ab-Actie. With this committee, I have organised many fun activities, but after a year and a half I had organized so much activities that I thought it was time for something else. I myself had a great introduction period and wanted it like to give to other students. So I decided that I wanted to take place in the Twick-in 2016. Around this time I was in doubt to do a board year. I wanted to develop myself besides my studies. After a period of orientation, I decided to do a board with an association I was involved with, W.S.G. Abacus.
This is how I ended up at the board of W.S.G. Abacus where I currently fulfill my functions with pleasure.