
Congratulations Tracy Craig! Placed on 11 June 2024

Tracy Craig has won the Brinksma Innovation Grant (BIG)!

This has been announced last Monday during the start of the Week of Education. The BIG is a price that is awarded every year to a staff member of the UT with an innovative educational concept. This year, our one and only Tracy Craig has won the BIG with her proposal called "Mathematics and Didactics Synthesis Creating teaching and learning resources for topics in mathematics for technical subjects". But this is just the start of the research that Tracy Craig will do with the new group in the department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente: Fundamental Educational Research in Mathematics at Twente (FERMAT)! 

So congratulations, Tracy! You deserve it!

Flower from the Education committee Placed on 30 May 2024

In this quartile, the Education committee has awarded Pim van 't Hof with a bouquet of flowers! He received the most votes by the members of Abacus, who value his enthusiasm in the Graph Theory course, as well as the Mathline, where a lot of our members are involved as TA.

We want to thank Pim for his hard work, and we look forward to getting to know more about his daily life during the Researcher Researched of Monday 10 June!

BSA Update Placed on 3 April 2024

After some discussions within the study programme, it has been decided to change the BSA requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Mathematics. The reason for this change was partly caused by the results of the Analysis tests being lower than expected. The BSA requirements changes are only relevant to the students who started their studies in the academic year 2023/2024. The following changes have been made:

-Students now need to get at least 40 EC (instead of 45 EC)
-Students now need to pass 5 out of 8 key courses in the first year (instead of 6 out of 8 key courses)


Besides this, an extra test opportunity for Analysis 2 will be given to all the freshmen. The date for this exam is Monday the 15th of July at 8:45. We from Abacus hope that this will help the freshmen pass their first year!

With the Knife on the Table

Calendar Week overview | Month overview


Twick Theme Announcement @ Abscint 7

Come by at get to know the theme of the Twick In 2024! And we will also announce the information for older years who would like to join the camp :)

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FriAD @ Abscint / Outside

Kick off the weekend with a drink!

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Sign-up for the Ideaal! puzzle booklet @ An ideal location 32

Sign up to receive the epic Ideaal! puzzle booklet!

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Smarter by the Second episode 5 @ YouTube/Abacus Room

Come watch the newest episode of Smarter by the Second live in the Abacus room! 

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Big Activity Karting @ Zero55 13 / 30

Come to this year's big activity to join an amazing day of karting at Zero55!

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Send your ideas for Abacus to ideabox@abacus.utwente.nl!