Introducing: bring your plants to the Abacus room & the summary database

Thursday 21 april 2022 17:12

Do you want to breath more oxygen in the Abacus room? Have you always missed something green in the Abacus room? You can do something about this! We want to boost the appearance of our association room by adding some plants to the interior. Therefore, if you have some spare plants, which are dying of neglect in your room, give them a new life in the Abacus room!

It is now possible to share the summaries that you made long ago for your courses, and will probably never use again, with Abacus members who still have to pass those courses. Simply bring your summary to the Abacus room or send a scan to the board. The summaries that we collect will be uploaded to the Abacus website, with credits of course, where they can be viewed by other students.