Corona measures update 20 December 2021
Sunday 19 december 2021 20:01
Again, the Dutch government has announced new COVID-19 measures. In comparison to the measures taken in November, the situation will change for Abacus as follows. Until at least Friday 14 January 2022:
- Studying is not possible anymore in the Abacus room or the balcony. However studying in Educafé is possible!
- Committee meetings will be held online.
- Activities will take place online.
- There will be no physical lunch lectures .
- If you happen to visit the University buildings, keep 1.5m distance where possible.
The already existing measures that will still hold, include:
- Drinks don’t take place
- At least one board member will be available in the room between 10:00 and 15:00 for questions and providing coffee and tea (excluding the Christmas Holidays). Contact through WhatsApp, email, or Discord is of course also still possible.
We understand that these new measures are difficult. We appreciate your flexibility, and we all have to stay positive to make the best out of it.
The introduction of these new measures also results in the GMA being moved to an online platform. Keep an eye on the website and your email for more information on that.
Kind regards and stay safe,
The 54th board of W.S.G. Abacus