New on the Abacus website!
Thursday 11 february 2021 11:14
Links for educational support
There is now a new page on the website under Education: Educational Support! Here you can find redirects to all sort of useful pages, from an overview of the master courses AM to the canvas page of the SACC about mental well being. So make sure to take a look.
Work prospects
Another new page under Education is Work Prospects. On this page, there are stories about alumni. These stories are about the daily life of alumni, and about how they got where they are. If you have a story you think should be added to this page, please mail it to
Recordings of information sessions on Abacloud
Last weeks, an information session about the master specializations of AM and the minor information lunch took place. The recordings of these sessions, including the individual recording of MDS, can now be found on the Abacloud -> Standard Documents -> Study Information 2021.