Here are some frequently asked questions concerning logging in on the website. Should you have a question which is not among the questions here, ask the www.com.

I am not a student at the University of Twente (anymore) but I'd like to keep using the website, what now?

When your studies at the UT have finished you will not be able to login anymore using UT credentials anymore. Therefore, if you want to keep using the website, you need to use eduID. Create an account at https://eduid.nl/en/ and try to log in. Your identification number will be shown to you, mail this to the board.

How do I change my password?

If you are a student or employee, log in at https://tap.utwente.nl/ and choose to change your password.

I lost my password, what now?

If you have lost your password or your account has been blocked and you are a student or employee at the UT, contact the ICTS servicedesk. You should go to one of their service locations because of the need of identification. Make sure you bring a passport, drivers license or student/employee card.