Prom committee

An evening where you should behave decently (wearing a dress or suit) and you may also drink unlimited. That's what a prom of W.S.G. Abacus, I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief and E.T.S.V Scintilla is all about. This prom is your chance to get to know other students from other student associations while enjoying a drink and having a lot of fun. A beautiful location is chosen and a great band will be playing. The themes of previous years are: 2020Masquerade, Candyland, Bal du Moulin Rouge, Casino Chique, Silver Spring and Bal Masque. This year, we also expect another beautiful theme!
We are grateful that the Prom committee will set up this evening for us. This committee consists of two of our members, listed below, and the prom committees of other organizations (Inter-Actief - Scintilla).