Wiskundig Studiegenootschap
W.S.G. Abacus
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› College year '18–'19
July 2019
Bridge course
A bridge too far
June 2019
Mini-Almanac Ceremony
Mini Almanac Ceremony
Cultural Evening
Saying goodbye to Brigit Geveling
End-of-the-Year activity
Pool Party!
Active members weekend
Who is busboy?
Early bird drink
Liquid breakfast
Puzzle Tour
Puzzle, puzzle, puzzle...
Mathematical Lounge Old School
Green, Cryptic and Adaboostic
No man's LAN
YER sports day
To frisbee or not to frisbee, that's the question
Sports day Barbecue
Sporting is a losing game
Ladies StAf-tournament
Watch them score!
May 2019
Lustrum theme announcement drink
Ancient Ages: All roads lead to Abacus
Knotsbal with WTW
A knotscrazy afternoon!
StAf match Abacus vs Stress 1
We almost had them: 0-13
Move fast. Speed is one of your main advantages over large competitors.
Lunchlecture Grolsch
Beer + math = best job ever
StAf match: Abacus vs Archimedes
A real thriller, tensive until the end: 22-1
Symposium 2019
Let's get moving!
Researcher Researched
Tugce in Wonderland
StAf match: Abacus vs Newton 2
2-2, The third law of Newton
'Glad we're done with the highschool exams' drink
Silence, exams!
StAf match: Abacus vs Astatine 1
Do Ping didn't play today: 3-5 defeat
47th Batavierenrace
177.4km per 15:10:28h
Wout is the new masterchef
Kalm-an Drink
There were no signals of worry
Lunch lecture Sioux LIME
A subLIME presentation
StAf-match: Abacus vs Atlantis
It looked like they were controlled by a playstation, 8-1!
Wimbo and Tommy learned us to survive
April 2019
Company Dinner
Let me consult my dinner for this one
Lunch Lecture Deltares
Room for the ricecakes
Candidate Board Announcement
Linda, Martijn, Sanne, Marjolein and Tugce are CB!
Easter drink
An eggcellent drink
Parents day
Behave, your parents are coming!
Pubquiz @FriAD
What was the best question?
Do you wanna (throw a) DIE?-drink
Die or dice
Pokémon Activity
To protect the world from devastation
Lunch lecture ORTEC
Anton is back!
March 2019
Symposium Theme Announcement
Don't forget to drop by
I'd rather have beer than good grades-drink
I'm gonna take a 'little' break
I love Abacus
It is time, the highest time...
EEMCS Freshman Activity
Run for your light!
EEMCS-Trip Announcementlunch
We are Hungary for adventure!
3rd Abacantus
Songs and beer
Appied Mathematics
Casino Night
Cas in o
Gloves for the right time of the year
Alumnus lecture Nadia Bloemendaal
She's a weather girl
February 2019
Lunch lecture Thales
Finding missiles
Prom: Candyland
Sugar, Yes please!
Jasper loves to win!
Liquidity drink
Drinking liquid gold
Jass course
Say jass to the clubs
Mathematical Lounge
With Skopalik and Hugo
Lunch lecture Flow Traders
On the trading floor, since 2004
Après-ski drink
Legend says they're still wandering in Germany...
January 2019
Beer and Biceps drink
Watch out for the light bands
Playing outside
Playing inside out
Mathematical Lounge Christoph Brune
Learning deep about deep learning
Summer-in-yo'-face Drink
Desperado for sun
Mafia Wars: Successor to Don Abaco
That's how mafia works
FMC Games night
Don't eat the yellow snow
December 2018
Ice Skating
Ice ice baby
Christmas dinner folder 2
Christmas dinner folder 1
Are we keeping this?!
Procam laser tag
Shooting stars
Presents and poems
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Lunch Lecture Ortec Finance
Ortec Finance, is that part of Ortec?
November 2018
Almost drinkception
Lunch Lecture Deloitte
Unboxing the box
Workshop Brunel
Finding your incentives to work
Children's party!
Sint Maarten drink
There comes Saint Martin on
Taipan tournament
Dutch subtitles are funnier
Dies theme announcement
So childish...
Craft beer tasting - Dragons and Castles
Special beer for 'special' people
BIG celebration
Brigit has achieved something BIG
October 2018
Bring-your-own-games night
Let's play Pim Pam Math!
Pumkin Carving
Do you know how I got these scars?
Spooktober drink
Eat, drink and be scary!
Mathematical Lounge
PhD of Anarchy
Crawling home
Lunch Lecture Nedap
Responsibility and Freedom
Bartending course
Bartenders tend to tend the bar
Kloktober drink
Klok flies when you're having fun
Researcher Researched: Tracy Craig
Bitterbessie dagbreek
Lunch Lecture Launch in US
Jos is the Boss!
Alumnus Lecture Cees Links
'Let there be wifi!' And there was wifi
Welcome to the 2nd year
And then they were no longer sjaars
September 2018
Just smile and wafers
Hugo drink
Sparkling, refreshing and trendy
Committee Market
Which committee will you join?
House Style Drink
Everything Abacus themed
LAN Party
Locally Asymptotically Normal
Freshmen lunch
The lunch was fresh, man
Prank at Inter-Actief
Wrapped up
Prank board 50
A green storm
Constitution drink
We lost Hugo and Wout!
Change GMA
Green is the new yellow
And we had a huge amount of fun!
August 2018
Kick-In camp day 2
Show time!
Kick-In camp day 1
Rijssen, the place to be!
See you Sunday drink
Mathematical Magical Quizards
Kick-In day 4
Exploring the city
Kick-In day 3
We conquered the Bastille
Kick-in day 2
Sports are great!
Kick-In day 1
Let's get this party started!