Companies in the Netherlands
The participants’ contribution to the study trip is not sufficient to finance the entire study trip. Therefore the committee has found some cases at companies, which are done by participants. These assignments consist of 30 to 150 hours of work, divided into portions of minimal 30 hours per student. The participants work together in groups and collaborate with their assigned company to finalise the assignment successfully. This experience is for both company and student beneficial, since companies can showcase what makes them so unique and the students are introduced to business life. If you want more information, you can contact us via our contact information.
Companies in Greece
Next to the preparation, the study trip committee provides visits to companies, universities and research institutes in Athens. At these visits of approximately 2 to 3 hours, the company can showcase their research or work by giving a lecture, tour or a short assignment for the students to work on. In this way, the company can show which aspects they excel in. For the students, the goal of this study tour is to become acquainted with universities, research institutes and companies abroad, to get an insight into the applications of technologies and compare this with the application in the Netherlands.