
AMEP winner 2025 Placed on 24 March 2025

On Thursday 13 March, the three nominees for the Applied Mathematics Education Prize (AMEP), Gjerrit Meinsma, Felix Schwenninger and Jasper de Jong, all gave a talk on the theme 'Cultural Mathematics'.

Gjerrit Meinsma linked playing the piano to mathematics through the use of signals, showcasing how modern pianos are out of tune when tuned.

Felix Schwenninger linked theoretical mathematics to culture within mathematics, highlighting fallacies in how certain topics are presented to be building upon one another while never explaining the basis.

Jasper de Jong used mathematics to link strategies to win the 2022 gaming classic Among Us to the culture of studying.


With a very tight vote, if anything indication of just how appreciated all three finalists are among students, Jasper de Jong has been voted winner of the AMEP 2025!

We thank all three finalists for their participation and for their wonderful talks, but, most importantly, we thank them for their efforts in educating the next generation of mathematicians here at the UT.

Applied Mathematics Education Prize Placed on 6 March 2025

Thursday 13 March, between 12:45 and 13:30, the Applied Mathematics Education Prize (AMEP) is set to take place in SP4.

This year, the students of AM have elected the following three finalists:

  • Jasper de Jong
  • Gjerrit Meinsma
  • Felix Schwenninger

Both students and staff members are invited to come listen to these three inspiring teachers talk about 'Cultural Mathematics'.

Particulalry the students are invited to attend and vote on their favourite talk and teacher.


We wish luck to the three finalists and hope to see many there showing their support for the fantastic teachers AM has the luck of having.

Abacus Joins GIMPS to Hunt for Mersenne Primes Placed on 21 February 2025

Abacus has joined the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), a global project searching for rare Mersenne primes. There is a team named Abacus and anyone interested can join this team. Anyone can contribute by running free software on their computers to help find these primes.
For questions email the coco. What's better than having an Aba-prime!

For information on how to install, see https://www.mersenne.org/

About GIMPS:
GIMPS is a distributed computing project that has discovered many of the largest known prime numbers.

Do-Group Parent Interest Lunch

Calendar Week overview | Month overview


GMA @ Spiegel 6 12

The third GMA of the 57th board of W.S.G. Abacus

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Puzzle Tour @ UT campus 26

Can you find the route across campus, solve the puzzles and be the quickest team there is.

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CookCooC dinner: Orange juice-cabbage-raisin curry @ Educafé 19 / 30

Come have dinner after the Puzzel Tour and before a Theme Drink!

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Wheel of Fortune Extravaganza! drink @ Abscint 3

Join this Wheel of Fortune drink!

There will be lots of unique wheels of fortune, will you be lucky?


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The Technology Career Fair @ RAI Amsterdam 0

On March 28 & 29th, the RAI Amsterdam will be transformed into a career paradise, where you can get to know over 200 top employers and develop your skills by attending one or multiple of the nearly 100 career-oriented and industry-related workshops.

Are you a student, recent graduate, or (young) professional looking to explore the job market in the tech sector, find your (new) dream job, and/or network endlessly? The Technology Career Fair is the place for you.

Download a free e-ticket for the Technology Career Fair on the following website: www.techniekcarrierebeurs.nl 

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Send your ideas for Abacus to ideabox@abacus.utwente.nl!