Hitch-hiking competition

Where: Hamburg or Luik

Friday 12 April 2024 from 09:00 until Sunday 14 April 2024 17:00

Enrolling closed

Participants: 20/22

Costs: €43.50 - €87.00

Download iCal file

Organized by: HiHi 2024

The costs will be approximately 40 euros for one night and 80 for two nights. The costs include one or two nights at the stay and travel back to Enschede from stay.

Hitch-hiking will be done in pairs. Make your own team. Write your partner in the comments. 

(The enrolment button says 50 and 100 euros as a maximum amount.)

Please also indicate if you have free public transport in the Netherlands at 13 or 14 April. We would like to know this to determine the cost of travelling back.

Before you enrol please state your teammate in the comments.

If you want to join the competition, join the groupsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HxcKfpSsJ6yBO7G4ihDaVs. Also if you have not enrolled yet and/or have not found a partner yet!

Photo albums of this activity

Hitch-hiking competition
Luckily the chances of stranding in Almelo are small when HiHi-ing to Hamburg